Infrastructure and facilities

The campus has a number of buildings from the late Russian era in Xinjiang. The university campus has been fully updated and modernized with a library, canteens, hospitals and training centres. There are experimental laboratories with up-to-date bio-information collecting and processing systems, models and so forth.

Until 1995 the library contained more than 408,000 books; due to rapid development in the field of student recruitment the university built a new modernized building containing more facilities. The modernized library covers 16000 m2 which currently, has over 1.07 million books, 1,300 different periodicals and journals in Chinese and other languages. Six different kinds of book-databases have been introduced and the database is also connected with Partners Harvard Medical International's library database.[8] The library currently contains seating for 2500 readers in the readers area and more than 350 seats in the electronic library access area.

Every floor has a central area of reading for daily readers; fifth and sixth floor have a dedicated area for the doctoral students writing their thesis.