Studying in USA is really a pleasure and you have lot of wonderful things to study there. The social life in USA is totally different. You can experience a different life in USA and find new friends to make a good atmosphere. It will be a very different experience than you are used to. Students come from all over the world and of course, from different states of the United States so you will be a part of mix of different communities in America. There are clubs, sororities and fraternities available on campus. These associations are often excellent ways to make friends. Most of the universities have an International Student Club or association which enable students connect with each other and will help ease your transition. American people are very polite, and friendly; you will make many American friends and that too from different parts of the world, be it your college campus or outside. Universities and colleges in America have various communities doing different tasks; you can join one such community to be part of the gang. Different cities in America also have communities from different regions of the world, being a part of these communities will give you home like comfort. By joining sports or recreational clubs one can spend the leisure time and create new friends by having a good social life in America.
Hi friend, thanks for the information, as i am planning to go abroad (USA) and i was much worried about the new atmosphere, their culture and people but now i am clear and i got an idea to create new friends.
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syed mubarak ali. A
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