Hi, I would like to tell some easy steps to study science easily and understandably. Science has more division, like physics, chemistry, botany and zoology. This is the main and based on this there are lot of divisions. Study of science is thrill and one has to understand thoroughly the basic principles of science then we could apply it easily. To make science easier we can follow this.

1. Understand the importance of algebraic formulation.
2. Understand relations.
3. Solve problems.
4. Historical perspective.
5. Understand language.
6. Read different books.
7. concentrate.
8. Don't work too hard.
9. Be open to the criticism of your work.
10. Ask more questions.
Yes friend, the study of science is easy if we understand the basic principles of science. I am in Chennai, i would like to study in PSG college at Coimbatore, please tell me about the admission details.
I am much intrested to know that u want to study in Coimbatore. Anyhow the admission for the courses might be closed. U can check with the PSG College about the admission details and they offer all undergraduate, post graduate and also research courses in all fields of arts and science.
Dr Aung Kyaw Htun
Joined on:2011-06-24 01:22:43
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