Medical schools outside the United States and Canada vary in their educational standards and curricula. The purpose of ECFMG Certification is to assess the readiness of graduates of these schools to enter U.S. residency and fellowship programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). To be certified by ECFMG, you must pass a series of exams; you must also fulfill ECFMG’s medical education credential requirements. These requirements include providing ECFMG with copies of your medical education credentials, which ECFMG will verify directly with your medical school.
What is the full form of ECFMG? What is the eligiblity for taking the ECFMG certification? What is the benefit of taking this certification.
The full form of ECFMG is Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.

If the ECFMG determines that an individual is ready, the ECFMG will issue certification, which the doctor will need for several reasons.

Eligibility for ECFMG:
ECFMG certification is required of medical students or graduates who have graduated from a medical school outside the United States or Canada.

Foreign students who have graduated from a U.S. or Canadian medical school are not required to obtain ECFMG certification.

Furthermore, your medical school must be listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) of the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research.

To be eligible for certification, you must also fulfill education credential requirements. You must have at least four credit years at a medical school listed in IMED.

ECFMG must receive and accept verification directly from your medical school.

Applicants are also required to satisfy certain examination requirements. Specifically, you must pass the Medical Science Examination, Clinical Skills Requirement.

Only if the above examination requirements are satisfied one can take the ECFMG exam. For participating in any medical program or to practice in US it is a must for foreigners to take this exam.