The major subjects provided under arts in abroad are as follows:

Visual & Performing Arts
Crafts & Artisanry
Dramatic Arts
Film Arts
Fine Arts
Graphic Design
Religious Music
What is Crafts & Artisanry? and what is provided under that course and its eligibility.
Crafts and Artisanry:
A program that focuses on the aesthetics, techniques, and creative processes for designing and fashioning objects in one or more of the handcraft or folk art traditions, and that prepares individuals to create in any of these media.

Students in this program learn the art and craft of designing and creating objects in one or more of the handcraft or folk art traditions, such as ceramics or wood art.

* Recipients must be accepted to and enroll in an IES Abroad program.
* Mimimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 (out of 4.0) required
* Recipients must attend a college or university that is a Member or Associate Member of the IES Abroad Consortium
* Return Requirement: If awarded one of these scholarships, at the conclusion of the IES Abroad program you agree to submit a 1-page statement about your experience abroad, including how it has affected you personally, professionally, and academically and how this scholarship supported your endeavors.