As you must know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast does not have to be a complicated and elaborate meal. If you are not accustomed to eating soon after waking up, there are several compact and non-messy ways in which you can pack and carry your breakfast with you to consume at a later, more convenient time.
Here's a few facts you probably didn't know about breakfast:

1. Breakfast eaters are able to lose weight faster than others, as eating regularly each morning boosts your body's metabolism.
2. A regular meal every morning ensures that you will not binge at lunch -- your stomach will already be half full.
3. As compared to those who skip a morning meal, breakfast eaters are more alert and work more efficiently -- their brains receive the required nutritional energy at the start of each day.
4. Children who eat a good breakfast each morning are known to perform better at school and are less hyperactive.
5. While fruit juice is considered an essential part of a good breakfast, eating a whole fruit is a better idea -- it will provide you with less calories and more fibre, which may be lost in the juice.
So take up a good breakfast along with fruits..
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