Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is practiced on the principle, that a drug and a disease which produce similar symptoms cancel each other out in some way thereby restoring the patients to health.

The principle of 'Like can cure Like' forms the basis of Homeopathy.

This system of healing was founded by a German doctor, Samuel Christian Hahnemann(1755). Though this system was developed abroad, it has become an integral part of the Indian way of life.

Eligibility and Duration:
Eligibility for bachelor course i.e. BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery) is 10+2 in physics, chemistry, Biology and English with minimum 45 % marks.

The duration of the course is five and half years, including internship.

There is also a Diploma course of four year duration. At post graduate level, there is MD in Homeopathy which is of three years duration.

Selection Process:
Selection of BHMS is through the same All India Entrance Examination as for MBBS.

The qualification required for entrance is 10+2 or equivalent with Science subjects.

In the case of private medical colleges entrance examinations are conducted by the institutes individually.