Here i would like to discuss the common causes for low back pain. Even with today's technology, the exact cause of low back pain can be found in very few cases.

Causes for Back pain: In most cases, back pain may be a symptom of many different causes, including any/several of the following:

1. Overuse, strenuous activity, or improper use (i.e., repetitive or heavy lifting, exposure to vibration for prolonged periods of time).
2. Trauma.
3. Injury.
4. Fracture.
5. Degeneration of vertebrae (often caused by stresses on the muscles and ligaments that support the spine, or the effects of aging).
6. Infection.
7. Abnormal growth (tumor).
8. Obesity.
9. Sprain or strain.
10. Ligament or muscle tears.
11. Poor muscle tone in the back.
12. Muscle tension or spasm.
13. Joint problems.
14. Smoking.
15. Protruding or herniated (slipped) disk.
16. Disease (i.e., osteoarthritis, spondylitis, compression fractures).