Preschool-aged children (ages 4 to 5) are still developing their eating habits and need encouragement to eat healthy meals and snacks.
These children are eager to learn, especially from other people and will often imitate eating behaviors of adults.

The following are some helpful mealtime hints for preschool-aged children:

1. Prepare meals, provide regularly scheduled snacks, and limit unplanned eating.

2. Poor behavior at mealtime should not be allowed. Focus on eating, not playing with food or playing at the dinner table.

3. Keep offering a variety of foods. Have the attitude that, sooner or later, your child will learn to eat most all foods.

4. Make mealtime as pleasant as possible. Do not put pressure on your child to eat, or force your child to "clean" his/her plate. This may lead overeating which can cause your child to gain too much weight. Children will be hungry at mealtime if snacks have been limited during the day.

5. Provide examples of healthy eating habits. Preschoolers mimic what they see their parents doing. If you have unhealthy eating habits, your child will not learn to eat healthy.

So help your child to learn good habits while eating..