Many seek master’s degrees to advance in their fields and to earn raises. Others seek master’s degrees to change career fields. For example, let’s say that you’ve earned a bachelor’s degree in English, but have decided that you want to become a counselor: complete a master’s degree in counseling. A master’s degree will allow you to develop expertise in a new area and enter a new career.

Master’s degree programs entail classes, similar to your undergraduate classes. However the classes are usually conducted as seminars, with a great deal of discussion. The professors tend to expect a higher level of analysis in master’s classes than undergraduate classes. Mostly in master degree the programs require the student to complete thesis work or the research work.
Pursuing Masters Degree is very important and helps u in your career, as nowadays people with masters degree are given more preference and are allotted high position with good perks. For example if you take MBA, this professional degree is opted by many students as it is provides with lot of job oppourtunities. So taking a masters degree is always a benefit and helps u in the career.