Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin which is necessary in the body to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels, and aids in the absorption of iron. Ascorbic acid is a great antioxidant and helps protect the body against pollutants. Ascorbic acid also promotes healthy cell development, proper calcium absorption, normal tissue growth and repair - such as healing of wounds and burns. It assists in the prevention of blood clotting and bruising, and strengthening the walls of the capillaries. Vitamin C is needed for healthy gums, to help protect against infection, and assisting with clearing up infections and is thought to enhance the immune system and help reduce cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and preventing arteriosclerosis.

Severe deficiency of vitamin C causes scurvy. Although rare, scurvy includes potentially severe consequences, and can cause sudden death. Scurvy is treated with vitamin C, and should be under medical supervision.

The fruits rich in Vitamin C are oranges, strawberries, tomato, cantaloupe, broccoli, cabbage, kiwifruit, sweet red peppers. These fruits and vegetables helps in giving vitamin C content needed for our body.