Course Title Qualification Given Teaching language Course Duration  
Doctor of Medicine MBBS English 6 Years Apply / Collect
Surgey Master in Medicine English 3 Years Apply / Collect
Internal Medicine Master in Medicine English 3 Years Apply / Collect
Pediatrics Master in Medicine English 3 Years Apply / Collect
Obsetris and Gyenocology Master in Medicine English 3 Years Apply / Collect
Neurology Master in Medicine English 3 Years Apply / Collect
Dermatalogy and Venerelogy Master in Medicine English 3 Years Apply / Collect
Huazhong university of science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a key comprehensive university under the direct control of the Ministry of Education of P.R.China. It is situated on the banks of Yanglze in Wuhan, the capital of Hubai Province. Yujia Hill stands high to bless it and the East Lake to nourish it with greeneries all around it. ...

MBBS Course in China Universities
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Peking University
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Joined on:2022-04-15 07:38:46
Joined on:2022-04-19 17:49:31
Roswitha Mudi Mangundu
Joined on:2011-08-24 08:59:40